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Updated: Feb 13, 2021

Growing up in Seat Pleasant, MD, Life was callous! Fighting all the time, getting suspended, moving all the time, and feeling like I was at the bottom! I must admit it was peculiar going to church all the time, trying to be a Christian, and doing all the things you do in the hood! More about that will be in my book that will be published in early Feb of 2020.

Eventually, I got used to it, and it became a way of life! At a very young age, I learned that if you want something, you have to go out and make it happen because no one else will, and no one else cares! Except for a few select people in your family and those rare friends!

Below are a few of my goals for 2020:

Sell 100k on Amazon and this site (once fully updated) using what I have learned from the Market Place Super Hero's < That is my affiliate link if you want to check it out!

I'm also going to read/listen to one book per month.

I've already paid for all my debts except for a few loans from friends :( wooo hooooo!!!

Listen, I want all of us to be successful! Have you asked yourself what do you see yourself doing in 5 years? I did that two years ago, and I did not like the answer! My answer was still working the same job, making a little more money, living in the same place, and doing the same thing! I decided right then that I would no longer follow the crowd, do the usual stuff! I want more out of life than repeating the same thing over and over and over and over! There has to be more than this!

I've found out since changing the way that I was thinking, I've changed the way I do things! I will no longer do things the same; I can't, and I won't! When you get the chance (RIGHT NOW), take a look around and do some research about how people are making money online, and it'll blow you away! Make things happen, and please let me know what you have decided to do unless you have chosen to stay stagnant!

I will continue to keep you all in my prayers, and I hope you do the same for me. God Bless!

Updated for 2021!!! Written 20210213

Hi everyone, thanks for checking out my blog! I wanted to give a quick update on my progress since last year! I believe in particular area's its best to be brief and to the point; this is one of those times. I'll do my best to keep it short, not to take much of your time.

Below, you'll find updated lists in the order that I've accomplished them in, followed by another list that I'm still working on!

1. I wanted to have a certain number of followers on my FB business page to sign up to be an Affiliate for Amazon! I figured I'm always on their site buying stuff, so why not try to help others find good deals too! After a few posts, I was up to about 4k followers on FB, which allowed me to enter into Amazon's Affiliate group! Since then, I have used my affiliation to help others find great deals in my FB group located here! I truly enjoy sharing the items I find along with their discount codes to save additional money!

2. I wanted my own website, so I set that up at, and I'm always updating it and making changes! Changes to my blogs and creating new blogs and additional content for people to use and enjoy! 3. I wanted to get into a healthy relationship and eventually get married and enjoy life together! I'm now engaged to my beautiful fiance, and we're headed in the right direction!

4.I wanted to make just 10 dollars online by selling things on Amazon and other affiliate programs, but last year I made over 5k!! This year, 2021, the goal is between 10 and 15k! To some, that's nothing but to me, that's a huge help!!

5.One of the biggest challenges I have had so far is with my one course mentioned in this same blog at the very top. WIth my Marketplace superhero course! This course helps people achieve 5 figures and up through Amazon private labeling! I need to get a list of my 100 items in my software to start my journey to being rich by 2025! It might seem impossible to you, but I know for a fact that it is possible because I know people who have done it!

6. I started reading/listening to one book a month, and I have learned so much! My list of top-rated books is on my site!

7. My two books will be published by 4/1/21!! I'm going to make it happen because I have to! Like one of my mentors said, I have the Dabbler's mentality!! Here is his link, which I'm sure you'll grab some valuable nuggets from!! -------->

8. Starting today, I commit to Mastery in every aspect of my life!

My links are below! -------------------------> My FB Business page ---------------------------------------------> My website


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